
Why is Japanese Porn Censored? Controversial Yet Intriguing

Have you ever wondered, “Why is Japanese porn censored?” This question interests many people. Japan’s adult entertainment industry is large and colorful. However, Japanese porn is censored because of laws, history, and culture. For example, one reason is that the law requires it.

Additionally, Japanese culture values modesty and privacy. Censorship also has roots in Japan’s history. Furthermore, technology plays a role in how content is censored today. In this article, we will explore these factors.


Historical Background

Japan has a long history of rules about adult content.

In the Edo period (1603-1868), erotic art, called shunga, was popular. But things changed in 1868 with the Meiji Restoration. This was a time when Japan was becoming more modern and similar to Western countries. The Meiji government wanted Japan to look sophisticated to the world. So, they tried to stop things they thought were not civilized, like openly showing sexuality. This led to the Public Morals Ordinance of 1872. It put limits on buying and selling shunga.

In the 20th century, there were more changes about censorship. When the Allied forces occupied Japan (1945-1952), they made the censorship rules even stricter. They wanted to get rid of content that was too militaristic or sexually explicit. This is a part of Japan’s complex history of regulating adult content.

Meiji Restoration | Credit: Worldhistory

After the occupation, adult content in Japan existed in a legal “grey area”. The Obscenity Law was passed in 1957. It didn’t completely ban adult content. But it did make it illegal to share things that could harm public morals.

This law was a bit unclear. So, the adult content industry started to regulate itself. They used a rating system from the Eirin. Eirin is the Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan. Their rating system became the main guide for what content was okay.

This is how adult content in Japan has been regulated. It’s a complex issue with a lot of history. But it’s important to understand how laws and society can shape what we see and do. This is just one example of how that can happen. It’s a big topic, but hopefully, this makes it a bit easier to understand.

Legal Framework

Japan’s rules about adult content are interesting and complex.

Article 175 of the Criminal Code says it’s illegal to share or show “obscene” things. People who break this rule can go to jail or pay a fine. But the law doesn’t clearly define what “obscene” means.

Because of this, the adult content industry has made its own rules. The Eirin, a group of movie producers in Japan, created a rating system. They decide what content is okay for people to see. If something is too explicit, it gets rejected and can’t be sold.

Some people think this system allows for artistic freedom because it doesn’t ban things outright. But others say it’s too subjective and can limit creativity.

In recent years, more people have started to challenge the Eirin system. Some publishers have fought against charges of not censoring enough.

On June 15, 2022, Japan passed a new law. It’s designed to protect young people from being used in adult videos. This is the first law of its kind. Many people see it as a big step forward. But it has also started a debate about balancing artistic freedom with protecting young people.

Cultural Influences

A big part of this is the idea of “amii”, which means ambiguity. Japanese culture often prefers things to be subtle and indirect. They like hints more than clear pictures. This can be seen in their art, like ink wash paintings and haiku poetry. These use hints, not detailed pictures, to show meaning.

This love for “amii” also shows up in adult content. People are expected to use their imagination to fill in the censored parts. Also, Japanese culture values social harmony, called “wa”. This means they avoid showing things that could upset people.

The way they censor, with a kind of blurring, helps keep this harmony.

But things are changing. Social norms are evolving and people can find uncensored content online.

Technological Impact

Laws like the Obscenity Law and the Eirin ratings still control physical media. But the internet brings new challenges. It’s easy to find uncensored content online, no matter where you are.

This has started debates about how effective old censorship methods are now. Some experts think that because it’s so easy to find uncensored content online, old methods like pixelation aren’t needed anymore. But others think that censorship can act as a “gateway”. It can guide viewers to legal, regulated content before they find more explicit stuff online.

Virtual reality (VR) porn adds another layer to this issue. VR tries to be very realistic. So, how should we censor things in such real environments? This question hasn’t been fully explored yet.

As technology keeps advancing, it will continue to affect how Japan censors adult content.

Types of Censorship

The most common way is pixelation. This is when they use a blur of squares to hide private parts during sexual activities. Another way is to use things like arms or hair to block the view.

They also use digital tricks, like blurring or darkening certain areas. How much they censor can change. “Softcore” videos might use less obvious methods, like framing things in a suggestive way. But “hardcore” videos often use more obvious pixelation.

There are also new types of videos, like ones focused on fetishes. These bring new challenges. For example, some fetishes focus on specific body parts. So, traditional censorship could disrupt the main theme of these videos. This is how Japan handles the complex task of censoring adult content.

Why is Japanese Porn Censored
Mosaic technique used in adult films | Credit: boingboing

Enforcement Agencies

In Japan, the industry regulates itself. The Eirin, a group of movie producers, plays a big role. They review videos and give ratings based on rules about obscenity.

If something is too explicit, it gets rejected and can’t be sold. The police only step in if they think the Obscenity Law has been broken.

They might seize or prosecute materials that they think go against society’s moral rules.

But the Obscenity Law is a bit unclear. And because the industry regulates itself, the Eirin often has to decide what is acceptable.

Economic Factors

The adult entertainment industry is a big part of Japan’s economy. But people have started to worry more about exploitation and coercion in the industry.

In 2022, Japan passed a new law to protect young people from being exploited in adult videos. This law has made things more complicated for businesses in the industry. They now have to follow new rules, face penalties if they don’t, and check the age and consent of performers.

This law has also started a big discussion. People are talking about how to balance making money, allowing artistic expression, and protecting people. This is a tricky issue, but it’s important to understand all sides of it.

Value of the non-contact sex self-pleasure (pornography) market in Japan from fiscal year 2015 to 2019 | Credit: Statista

Social Perceptions

Some people think it’s important for morals. They say it helps keep public decency and protects kids from explicit content. But others think it’s old-fashioned and unfair. They say that blurring doesn’t really change how viewers feel. And they think it’s unfair because it censors women more than men.

The internet has made things more complicated. It’s easy to find uncensored content online, which makes some people question if censorship is even effective. But others worry about moral decline and extreme sexual practices becoming normal.

Social media has become a place where people with different views argue about this. They talk about whether censorship is good or bad.

Comparative Analysis

Unlike some countries that ban or filter content heavily, Japan lets the industry regulate itself. This is very different from places like Denmark, which has few restrictions, or some European countries, which use a tiered rating system.

What makes Japan’s system stand out is its focus on hiding private parts, instead of restricting content more broadly.

Looking at these different approaches can teach us a lot. For example, Denmark’s approach shows that a free market for adult videos can work.

On the other hand, the tiered rating systems in Europe bring up questions about subjectivity in controlling content. This highlights the challenges of defining and enforcing such systems. This is how Japan’s unique approach to censoring adult content fits into the global picture.

Challenges and Controversies

People argue about whether blurring and other methods are effective. Critics say these methods don’t really stop viewers from getting aroused and might even make them more curious.

Also, the internet has made uncensored content easy to find. This makes people question if censorship can really control access to explicit material. The Eirin rating system and the unclear obscenity laws can also cause problems. They create uncertainty for producers and might limit creativity and innovation.

Some people also say that censorship is unfair to women. They point out that it often censors women more than men.

There are also debates about how censorship affects sexual health education. Some experts argue that censored content stops realistic depictions of safe sex practices. This is how Japan’s approach to censoring adult content faces many challenges and sparks ongoing debates.

A sex shop in Tokyo | Credit: shankar s.

Future of Censorship

The future of how Japan censors adult content is unclear. New technology, like virtual reality (VR), brings new challenges for controlling content.

The debate about whether old censorship methods work in the digital age will likely get more intense. How people see this issue might also change. Younger people might not like pixelation and might be more okay with explicit content.

Legal fights against the Eirin system and the unclear obscenity laws could lead to changes. Money will also continue to be a big factor. The industry will need to adjust to what consumers want and to new rules.

It’s not clear if Japan will become more relaxed, like some European countries, or if it will make its rules stricter. The future of how Japan censors adult content depends on many things. These include new technology, changing social norms, legal issues, and the money side of the adult video industry.

Personal Perspectives

In my opinion, when it comes to adult art, censorship can be seen as both a limit and a unique style.

On one side, it limits how fully erotic art can be expressed. This could make adult content less real and less immersive. But on the other side, it has created a special look that affects the creativity and storytelling of adult videos.

This balance between following the rules and being creative continues to shape Japanese adult entertainment. It shows the complex relationship between control and creativity.


1. What is the primary reason for Japanese porn censorship?

The primary reason for Japanese porn censorship is Article 175 of the Japanese Penal Code, which prohibits the distribution of “obscene” materials, leading to the enforcement of genitalia censorship in adult content.

2. How do Japanese laws compare to other countries?

Japanese laws are generally stricter compared to Western countries like the United States and many European nations, where explicit content is less regulated.

3. Are there any legal alternatives to censored content?

Legal alternatives include purchasing uncensored content from international sources or consuming content that complies with Japanese laws, such as softcore pornography.

4. What changes are anticipated in Japanese censorship laws?

Potential changes could include reforms reflecting more liberal societal attitudes, although significant changes would likely face considerable debate and gradual implementation.

5. How does public opinion influence censorship policies?

Public opinion plays a crucial role, with societal values and generational differences influencing the enforcement and potential reform of censorship laws.



You see, my love for Japan is not only based on personal experience; it's based on a deep admiration for Japanese culture, history, and traditions. Thank you, Japan, for being a constant source of inspiration, joy, and wonder in my life. I may never be able to express my love for Japan in person, but I hope that through my blog and my writing, I can share a small piece of my admiration and devotion with the world.

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