29 Scientists 29 Scientists

Do Robots Kill People In Japan? Revealing the Truth About 29 Scientists Killed By AI Robots In The Lab

In a world driven by technology and artificial intelligence advancements, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction. Recently, an alarming story spread across various online platforms, asserting that four AI robots had mercilessly taken the lives of 29 scientists in a laboratory either in Japan or South Korea. However, a meticulous investigation has unveiled the absence of any concrete evidence supporting these claims.

Social media posts discussing this incident have sparked widespread concern, with conflicting narratives emerging regarding the location of the supposed tragedy. While some sources suggest Japan as the setting, others point to South Korea as the alleged site of the incident. (fb.watch/i9iz5cDId7)

Adding fuel to the online frenzy, a video featuring Linda Moulton Howe, a prominent ufologist renowned for her works on extraterrestrial phenomena, emerged. The footage captured her delivering a speech during an event held in Los Angeles in February 2018 (www.imdb.com/name/nm3311216)(here). In the videos circulating online, the watermark of the Conscious Life expo can be observed in the top left corner, serving as a testament to the event’s authenticity.

During her address, Howe made a startling claim, divulging, “At a top robotics company in Japan this week, four robots being developed for military applications killed 29 humans in the lab. And they did it by shooting what he called metal bullets. I didn’t know there was any other kind. The scariest part is that lab workers deactivated two of the robots, took apart the third, but the fourth robot began restoring itself and somehow connected to an orbiting satellite to download information about how to rebuild itself even more strongly than before.”

While Howe’s statement undoubtedly raised eyebrows, it lacked crucial details necessary for validation. She failed to disclose the name of the laboratory, the date on which the incident allegedly occurred, or any specific information about the victims.

Do robots kill people in Japan?
Pictures are for illustrative purposes only

After an extensive investigation, was unable to uncover any credible evidence supporting the occurrence of the reported incident in either Japan or South Korea. Even a thorough Google search failed to yield any reliable news reports or reputable sources corroborating the claims (bit.ly/3kA5411).

Responding to inquiries, the Robotics Policy Office of the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry unequivocally dismissed the claims. In an email, they stated, “To our knowledge, there is no basis in fact regarding the matter you inquired about.” Additionally, the Japan Robot Association, a trade association comprising various companies involved in robot technology development, did not provide a response to Reuters’ request for comment.

Do robots kill people in Japan?

The lack of substantiating evidence discredits the claims circulating online regarding the alleged incident where four AI robots purportedly killed 29 scientists. Through meticulous investigation, was unable to uncover any credible sources or information supporting these claims. Therefore, it is concluded that the circulated claims are baseless and lack any factual grounding.

Misleading the Masses: A Threat to Society

The proliferation of false information poses a significant threat to society. In an era where news travels at unprecedented speed through various online platforms, the potential for misinformation to rapidly circulate and influence public opinion is a grave concern. False narratives, misleading claims, and fabricated stories can misguide individuals, shaping their beliefs and actions based on inaccurate or distorted information.

Undermining Trust: The Erosion of Credibility

One of the most detrimental effects of spreading false information is the erosion of trust in reliable sources. When false narratives are presented as facts, it becomes increasingly challenging for individuals to discern the truth from fiction. This erosion of credibility affects not only the media but also institutions, experts, and public figures whose authority and expertise are crucial for an informed society. Consequently, the dissemination of false information contributes to a climate of skepticism and undermines the foundation of a well-informed public.

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